re: Act two of an enemy of the people is a true coup de theatre (minor spoiler)
Posted by: singleticket 08:49 am EDT 05/02/24
In reply to: Act two of an enemy of the people is a true coup de theatre - huskyital 12:25 am EDT 05/02/24

I'm glad you liked it and were moved by it. I enjoyed it as well with some more reservations.

One of the things I liked about the Town Hall scene was the Norwegian? brand name of the beer or perhaps schnapps in the center of the stage/bar. Perhaps that brand name was around in the turn of the century but probably not as a graphic brand name that we saw on the stage. It made a nice dissonance between the period and today. Perhaps it was a practical decision in that the brand was a sponsor but even so, it was nice. There was a sense that the play was directed in period but it wasn't obsessively so and the lapses in period also were not meant to pop out in a jarring way.

I felt similarly with the last act in STEREOPHONIC where we are waiting for the scene to move to LA but it is the same set (set in SF) that has been on the stage for the entire play. There is only a bit of lighting shift to make the set seem a bit different. That choice also felt quietly theatrical to me and practical. We are in a theater and we are watching a production of a play that is realistic but not completely bound to realism.

Previous: re: "I wept for the character" - Dale 10:32 am EDT 05/02/24
Next: So why didn’t Alicia keys produce her own show - dramedy 09:25 pm EDT 05/01/24

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